Thursday, May 28, 2009


we are all very excited for summer. here is a list of some fun things we are planning to do. let us know if you have any more ideas

  1. Summer pirate play- Spencer, Rebecca, Sarah, and Joseh

  2. movie marathon, any suggestions?

  3. bike the bear (Spencer)

  4. play all the board games in our closet in one day!

  5. build a castle

  6. buy a dog. sshh dad doesn't know

  7. soccer games galore!

  8. hiking in logan canyon, old ephraim, the wind caves, any other ideas

  9. read a lot of good books, any ideas of good one?

  10. swimming

  11. willard bay

  12. camping

  13. backyard camping

  14. cross country workouts- Janelle and Spencer

  15. cross country camp- Janelle and Spencer

  16. YW camp- Janelle and Rebecca

  17. YM camp- first day of summer, spencer is off to camp

  18. relay for life- ( it is a 25 hour walking relay to raise money for the cure of cancer, if you would like to donate anything let us know :) )

  19. EFY - Janelle

  20. woodworking

  21. carpentry internship- Janelle

  22. Trip to Australia, I wish!

  23. water fights

  24. fireworks

  25. who knows what .....


  1. I think you need to add the Zoo to this list.

  2. This is a great list! We need to write our list or the summer will get away from us! You forgot to add 26. Trip to Maryland.

    Seriously, could we consider a ginormous family reunion next summer somewhere like Nauvoo? Wouldn't that be so fun? I know it is probably way out of the realm of reality, but I'd love to see everybody and seeing church sites would be so fun! Or, you could all just come to my house ;)

  3. Wow! That's an awesome list and plan for a fabulous summer! We love your enthusiasm for life! Hmm... movie and book suggestions... does your library get new books often? and for movies, we always love a Rocky or StarWars marathon! Also, have you seen the trailers for "Up!"? It looks funny! Also, we didn't know Australia would be your vacation of choice! Cool! Why there?

    We would love to entertain the idea of a family reunion next summer! Nauvoo would be awesome! When is the pageant? They have one there in the summertime, right?

    -The Crew

  4. P.S. We really should say that fantasizing about a fam. reunion is dreaming, but dreaming is the first step of making great things happen, right?

  5. And (sorry) what does it mean to "bike the bear", Spencer?

  6. Sounds like you are going to have a fun and busy summer. I hope we fit into your schedule somewhere! Your family's blog is a lot of fun. I just started a blog for Craig and I. The address is Feel free to check it out if you want too. Have a fun summer!

  7. YES!!!!!!!!!!!! GET A DOG!!!!!!!!!!!! I am allergic to your cat!!!!!!! (But she is cute) Get a yorkie or something!

