Monday, April 27, 2009

Birthdays, Earth Day, and Busy-days

Well, I love reading blogs of my talented and creative family and friends, but I'm starting to feel like this is just one more thing I'm getting behind in... It seems like such a fun way to share exciting events and ordinary moments, but I just can't keep up! Sorry--

Here are a few recent happenings:

April 17th was Janelle's 17th Birthday! She spent most of the day at school, and most of the night at work. (clearing tables and doing dishes at a local restaurant) We did manage to squeeze in a little family dinner and birthday party in between things.

I could go on and on listing all the things I love about Janelle, but then I would never get this posted-- so here are 17 words that describe Janelle:

cheerful, brave, hard-working, helpful, generous, talented, thoughtful, artistic, smart, funny, creative, faithful, friendly, trust-worthy, strong, beautiful, and LOVED!!!

Moving on a few days to April 22nd, Earth-day! A.K.A. Stetsen Womack's Birthday!

For "Earth-day" we all got out in the yard and planted some perennials. Our garden isn't ready to go yet, but we are making plans... (some pictures are on Erc's camera so I will try to add them later.)

Stetsen is one of our amazing son-in-laws. He and Bethany got married 4 months ago and are now living happily ever after. Stetsen is a delight to be with. He is always happy and optimistic. He is a hard-working and loving husband. He makes everything fun. We all love him, especially Meagan! (and Bethany!!!)


  1. 17??? Yikes! I can't believe that! I was 10 when she was born and I was moving to USU? weird. ;) Janelle is so precious and beautiful. I knew her well as a baby and always felt proud that she liked me and didn't hold her breath. :) I wish I knew her as a 17 year old, I bet she is just as lovely.

    I'm anxious to meet Stetsen. He has to be wonderful.

  2. Oh, I wanted to add.... I looked at my blog today and realized it had been a week since I posted. Weeks FLY BY! No worries. I'm guessing everybody who reads and enjoys connecting with you is happy to take whatever we can get. :)
